Cuchi White’s Books
L’œil ébloui, preface by Georges Perec, Le Chêne, Paris, 1981.
Rêveuse Riviera, text by Michel Butor, Herscher, Paris, 1983.
Villages perchés de Provence et de la Riviera, preface by Louis Nucera, Arthaud, Paris, 1988.
La Durance, paysages en regards, with Gabriele Basilico, under the direction of Sylvie Grange, conservator, museum of Cavaillon/Colcabée.
Sentiers douaniers de Bretagne, text by Dominique Irvoas-Dantec, Ouest-France edition, Rennes, 1995.
Cuchi White, Un viaggio tra le illusioni della realtà, text by Lucia Miodini, ‘Gli archivi della fotografia’ collection, CSAC Parma University/ Skira, Milano, 1995.
Viaggi : Italia, 1949-1953, Pelitti associati editions, preface by Giovanna Calvenzi.
Artists’ Books
The Astonished Eye, poems by Carla Heffner, Paris, 1978.
Art in the light of Day, text by Carla Heffner, Paris, 1981.
Trompe-l’œil, poems by Georges Perec, Paris, 1978.
Les yeux perdus, text by Michel Butor, Paris, 1980.
White visions, text by Maurice Roche, 1980.
Una Passeggiata, text by Gérard Wajeman, 1980.
Du Torpide, pensées nocturnes et disjointes, text by Robert Pujade, 1990.
Collective Manuscripts
Chroniques contemporaines : des femmes photographes racontent, preface by Robert Doisneau, text by Christian Caujolle, musée d’histoire contemporaine, BDIC, 1993.
Contrastes, photographs of the city of Nice by Gabriele Basilico and Cuchi White, text by Xavier Girard, preface by Louis Nucera, Entreprise Nicoletti, 1994.
Nos mères, portraits de 72 femmes par leur mère, Viviane Esders, La Martinière, 1997.
Exhibitions’ Catalogues
Viaggio in Italia, under the direction of Luigi Ghirri’s direction, Alessandria, 1984.
Cuchi White, La vita finta : da Caserta a Las Vegas, Palazzo Reale di Caseta, Artepresente, Caserta, April 20th-May 20th 1985.
Explorazioni sulla via Emilia, Reggio Emilia, February 1st-March 9th 1986.
Cuchi White, mémoires arlésiennes, musée Réattu, Arles, April 30th-June 22nd 1986.
Cuchi White, demeures en partance, International Biennale, Nice, 1989.
Caserta Versailles, with Luigi Ghirri, Bologna, Associazione Culturale italo-francese, March-April 1990.
Cuchi White, Viaggi : Italia, 1949-1953, under the direction of Carla Boni with the collaboration of Giovanna Calvenzi, Milan, Bel Vedere Fotografia, September 29th-October 2011.
About Cuchi White
Alain Desvergnes, Le trompe-l’œil d’aujourd’hui. Sur des photographies de Cuchi White, École nationale supérieure de la Photographie, Arles, 1980.
Michel Nuridsany, ‘Les illusions retrouvées’, in Le Figaro, September 25th 1981.
Frédéric Vitoux, ‘L’œil ébloui’, in Le Nouvel Observateur, December 10th 1981.
Hervé Guibert, ‘Trompe-l’œil’, in Libération, October 15th 1981.